Drei Manager im Geschäftsgespräch, Master General Management studieren an der TRIAGON Akademie

Study a Masters of Business Administration with various Specialisations– and become a Business Management Professional!

Degree: Master of Business Administration

Applications open for summer 2024

  • Master in just 1.5 years full-time or 3 years part-time
  • Ideal for professionals
  • Internationally recognized degree
  • Career advancement and higher salary
  • Distant learning
  • Reputable lecturers from the industry
  • Practical Expert Knowledge
  • Best tuition fees on the higher education market

You have got your Bachelor degree in your pocket and are thriving in your professional life? Now You want to enhance your career, assume further responsibility in a management position, lead teams and contribute to the company’s economical success?

We have got the right Master programs for you – particularly designed for developing your Business Management knowledge skills and competences. Our innovative study concept is ideal for learning the practical and academic fundamentals of business management in only 1.5 years full time or 3 years part-time alongside your job .

Overview of the Master of Business Administration

Duration of study: 3 semesters (1.5 year) FT or 6 semesters (3 years) PT
European Credit Transfer: 90 ECTS points
Study model: Study alongside your job full or part-time
Study Concept: Online learning format:
Synchronous and asynchronous e-learning via our virtual learning platform.
Focus areas: Marketing, Human Resources, Accounting & Finance, International Management, Business Psychology, Projectmanagement
Service Study Centers locations: Malta, Germany: Ismaning (near Munich), Berlin, Unna (near Cologne); Austria: Vienna; Ghana: Accra
Quality Seal: Accredited by the MFHEA (Malta Further and Higher Education Authority)
Follow-up programs: Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Business Administration: What is it about?

Business administration is the administration of a specific business sector. It includes all elements of monitoring and supervising the operations that take place inside a business environment and enterprise. business operations. Business Administration also deals with subjects relating to accounting, finance, project management and marketing.

The program addresses students with a certain degree of work experience who already could demonstrate their performance potential. The program enables them to take on more responsibilities in enterprises and institutions. This program allows the participants the opportunity to increase their qualification and judgment through specific specialisations offered by this programme of study. Students learn to manage and control their future responsibilities with focus on results and the optimal use of decision-relevant management information.

The Master of Business Administration program enables participants to find solutions for complex problems in companies and take responsible tasks. The degree program concentrates on the fields of modern management, which allows an increase of qualifications and discernment of the participants.

The goal of the program is for the students to achieve the necessary expertise and skills so that in business practice problem situations can be recognized and understood, and appropriate conceptual solutions can be developed and then successfully implemented.

Recognition and Accreditation of the Study Programme

Triagon is a Higher Education Institution with international accreditation. Our institution meets the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).

This has been confirmed by the distinguished German accreditation agency ACQUIN, which is a full member of EQAR. The programme accreditation and the institutional accreditation were granted in full and without any conditions.

In addition, all degree programmes are accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), at levels 6 (Bachelor), 7 (Master) and 8 (Doctorate) of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) and the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) respectively.

All Triagon degrees are internationally recognised and strictly adhere to the standards and requirements for higher education laid out in the Bologna Process. All study programmes offered by Triagon enable students to pursue further studies (e.g. a Master's degree or a doctorate) on an international level.

Your experience at TRIAGON:

A perfect mixture of online and attendance periods!

Our innovative Web-enhanced face-to-face Learning Concept explained in one sentence: Just as flexible as you are!
This awaits you:

  • Virtual face-to-face workshops given by experts
  • Examples based on case studies
  • Individual project works
  • Online learning platform for an improved self-study experience

✓   Study flexibly alongside your job:

Balancing between Masters study and work is not always easy. However; our flexible time and place-independent study model focuses on virtual live learning approach and combines high-quality didactic and multimedia-based study materials for self-study – this way of learning makes it extremely easier for our students to pursue their academic objectives.

✓   Advantages of online learning:

All modules offer virtual classrooms and webinars via the learning platform. Knowledge, skills and competencies of this study programme are offered through workshops, group work, challenges and other interactive teaching methods. Individual attention is offered by our specialized tutors to guide our students during their learning journey.

✓   Multi media documents for all types of learners:

The multimedia learning materials on our learning platform (video lectures, online tutorials, online tests, audio lecture slides, PDF guides) will enable you to learn efficiently, as they address all types of learners. You will also have full access to the online library which will give you the possibility of  further research (a number of books and journals will be at your disposal).

✓   Learning based on case studies for improved decision-making:

Our approach to project-based learning is characterised by a variety of practical- oriented examples in our courses. We offer the possibility to align topics within your programme to your job.


Course of study and study contents in the Master of Business Administration

Our concept of project-based learning provides you with the possibility to individually set your focus areas. It is you to decide which areas and topics you would like to deepen within your respective module.

This program has a different specialisation, depending on what area you wish to advance/specialise in.

Possible focus areas:

  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Accounting & Finance
  • International Management
  • Business Psychology
  • Projectmanagement

Your modules in the Master of Business Administration

0. Overall Course Objectives


By the end of this course, students are expected to demonstrate advanced knowledge in the field of Business Administration involving a critical understanding of the theories and principles underpinning the course.
By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Systematically employ specialised or multi-disciplinary theoretical and practical approaches some of which at the forefront of a Business Management.
  • Critically evaluate a wide range of theories and conceptual frameworks from the major disciplines relevant to Business Administration;
  • comprehensively identify and subsequently obtain knowledge and understanding that is founded upon and extends and/or enhances the knowledge on existing management experience
  • Comprehensively recognise how management procedures and processes allow for effective decision-making against different objectives;
  • Autonomously assess the impact of the external environment (national and international) in the context of Business Administration, including economic, ethical, legal, political, sociological and technological influences;
  • Critically analyse of contemporary business management issues and formulate solutions to identified problems in a clear and coherent research plan.


Students are expected to acquire advanced skills demonstrating mastery required to solve complex and unpredictable problems in the field of business management
By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Systematically communicate to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously work or study related conclusions which may be the outcome of research, self-study or experience.
  • Deploy originality when implementing the notion of specialised Business Management knowledge as well as multi-disciplinary approaches to Business Management that include reflecting on social and ethical responisbilities linked to the application of ones knowledge and judgements.
  • Comprehensively perform critical evaluations and analyses with incomplete or limited information to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments, and to produce original research
  • Propose new hyposthesis and implement new skills in response to emerging knowledge and techniques and demonstrate leadership skills in complex and unpredictable work and study contexts
  • critically evaluate and apply knowledge to comment on and evaluate real business world scenarios;
  • gain real world business experience and apply developed skills for the purpose of future career planning.


By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Autonomously create a research-based diagnosis to problems by integrating knowledge from new or interdisciplinary fields and makes judgements with incomplete or limited information
  • take full responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable work or study contexts;
  • have the necessary skills set to allow continuation to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous
  • Autonomously managing professional development of individuals and groups.
  • manage people and projects and demonstrates the ability to respond to the fast changing business environment
  • demonstrate autonomy in the direction of learning and a high level of understanding of learning processes


1. Management of Organisations

This module provides learners with an in depth understanding of how organizations are efficiently and effectively designed and structured in a particular situation. The content examines various forms of organizational structures and procedures and how functions and roles are defined in the appropriate organizational context. The module also deals with all major forms of organizations. The links between organizational design, corporate strategy and management tasks are also addressed.

Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) –2500 – 3000 words

2. Marketing Management

Marketing is the core of an operating business. It is an organizational philosophy and a set of guiding principles for interfacing with customers, competitors, collaborators, and the environment. Marketing entails planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services. It starts with identifying and measuring consumers’ needs and wants, assessing the competitive environment, selecting the most appropriate customer targets and developing marketing strategy and implementation program for an offering that satisfies consumers’ needs better than the competition.

This course is looking into marketing management concepts as well as enhancing participants understanding of the strategies and vehicles involved in implementing an effective marketing plan.

Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

3. Accounting and Finance

This module is uniquely designed to offer students a high-level academic understanding of contemporary developments in financing policy and practice, together with accounting, in an international global context. Students will gain in-depth understanding of the concepts and practice of accounting, business entities, and the financial accounting cycle; construction and interpretation of the financial statements as a communications link between business firms and their stakeholders.

Assessment: Case study assignment [40%], Oral examination – 1 hours [60%]

4. Strategic Corporate Management

Strategic corporate management refers to the art of planning your business at the highest possible level. It focuses on building a solid underlying structure to your business that will subsequently be fleshed out through the combined efforts of every individual you employ.

This course considers the key concepts, tools, and principles of strategy formulation and competitive analysis.  It takes a look at the managerial decisions and actions that affect the performance and survival of business enterprises. The course is focused on the information, analyses, organizational processes, and skills and business judgment managers must use to devise strategies, position their businesses, define firm boundaries and maximize long-term profits in the face of uncertainty and competition.

Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

5. Human Resources Management

This course also focuses on the crucial role of effective human resource management in achieving organizational success. It emphasizes the ways human resource management can provide a competitive edge for an organization and be the cornerstone of its corporate strategy.When handled, professionally human resource management helps the organisation to operate cost-effectively in the industries in which it competes and legitimately in the societies in which it is embedded. The course considers the potential of human resource management to enhance organizational flexibility and help create competitive advantage

Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

6. Project

The students will complete the industry project in a workplace setting and choose a project that involves applied research or knowledge transfer. The project will be innovative, experimental, or exploratory in nature. Activities can range from directed study projects to the preparation of a proposal, project plan and the development of formal deliverables – including a final report demonstrating the practical application of knowledge and skills in a selected economic sector.

Assessment: Case Study report – 3000 – 3500 words [60%], Presentation of case study followed by Q&A – 20 minutes [40%]

7. – 9. Specialisation modules

Specialisation 1 – Marketing Management

1. Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing is an intensive immersion course designed to develop skills in formulating and implementing marketing strategies for brands and businesses.Additionally the course focuses on helping the students to refine their skills in developing a marketing strategy and seeing how the marketing tactics selected need to be in alignment with that strategy. The focus lies esspecially on issues such as the selection of which businesses and segments to compete in, how to allocate resources across businesses, segments, and elements of the marketing mix, how to launch new products into the market, as well as other significant strategic issues facing today’s managers in a dynamic competitive environment.
Assessment: Case study assignment [40%], Oral examination – 1 hours [60%]

2. Data Analyses for Marketing Decisions
Nowadays companies have access to a variety of different data that have huge implications for marketing. Such data may include in-store and online customer transactions, customer surveys as well as prices and advertising. This course wants to apply real world data from various industries and ensure that sudents are familiar with the relevant data sources and techniques, commonly employed in making effective marketing decisions. The course involves formulating critical managerial problems, developing relevant hypotheses, analyzing data and, most importantly, drawing inferences and telling convincing narratives, with a view of yielding actionable results.
Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

3. Case Studies in Digital Marketing
This course is designed to facilitate student-centered, active and investigative learning. Case-based instructional strategies are used to introduce and explore the core concepts of digital marketing and apply these concepts to realistic situations. Through the lens of diverse case problems, students develop a framework for identifying and applying digital marketing concepts to diverse industry issues. The case study seminars are filled with current practice related contents of specific industry/sector problems. The participants get a well-founded introduction into a praxis related problem and then work on solutions either individually or in a group.
Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

Specialisation 2 – Human Resources Management

1. Strategic Human Resources Management
The relevance of strategic management in human resources to the success of businesses and non-profit organisations is crucual. Therefore this course aims to teach students to effectively lead and manage the most valuable and most complex resource of any organization in a dynamic global and chellanging environment with a strategic approach.Paramount to achieving and sustaining competitive advantage is the alignment of human resource strategies with business and operational strategies.  Emphasized is a rich understanding of the integral role human resource and strategy plays in achieving business and organizational goals in an international environment.
Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

Labour and Employer Relations
Globalization, growing workforce diversity, new technologies and new forms of work, alternative compensation schemes, and the changing role of unions are just some of the challenges facing employees and employers in the dynamic field of human resources.Studying in labor and employment relations can help you understand all aspects of the employment relationship in order to help your organization value its most important asset — its workforce. This includes the fundamentals of labor markets, labor economics and how economic systems influence workers as well as psychology aspects thathave a stong impact on employment and labor relations.
Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

Terms and Leadership Development
This moddule will address the general principles of team- and leader development, particularly focusing on processes that build the capacities of groups in organizations. The major goal of the program is to prepare candidates capable of applying knowledge, critical analysis, improvement strategies and research to common challenges encountered in business, community, educational and non-profit organizations.This  program will help to develope a strategic mindset, business expertise, and creative instincts, all grounded in a foundation of ethics and professionalism.
Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

Specialisation 3 – Accounting & Finance

1. Management Accounting & Controlling
Management Accounting& Controlling seeks to establish value for the organization by way of managing resources, activities and individuals to achieve the organization’s goals. Management accounting systems can be effective tools that will be used in providing information that is needful in making decisions at all levels in the organization.
Assessment: Case study assignment [40%], Oral examination – 1 hours [60%]

2. Corporate Finance
This course outlines the role of financial management as an interdepartmental function, supporting all units of the company in creating value. The course’s goal is to develop the theoretical and practical tools essential to the execution of Corporate Finance activities. The course serves the dual purpose of reviewing fundamental finance principles and mechanics introduced in previous Finance courses, and introducing extensions of those tools and presents different financial instruments. The course will also develop analytical skills for evaluating strategic and investment decisions. Students build the knowledge and skills critical to the corporate finance.
Assessment: Case study assignment [40%], Oral examination – 1 hours [60%]

3. International Financial Reporting
The course broadens students’ horizons by examining the regulations, techniques and debates surrounding topics such as: fair value accounting; accounting for financial instruments; revenue recognition; intangible assets, and accounting in specialist sectors. Students are also introduced to accounting for capital reconstruction. The increasing importance of accounting narratives and imagery in annual reports is also explored. The course reviews ways of analysing the corporate report and introduces new techniques for analysing quantitative and qualitative data.
Assessment: Case study assignment [40%], Oral examination – 1 hours [60%]

10. Applied Research Methods

Research allow scholars to make sense of the world, to discover why people think and act like they do and how important institutions act. The purpose of this module is to provide you with a broad introduction to the methodological foundations and tools of research.

Most of the module will focus on the fundamentals of quantitative social science and applied research as well as explore qualitative research. You will learn how to identify problems to study, develop hypotheses and research questions, specify independent and dependent variables, check for the validity and reliability of studies and design research projects. The course focuses on practical skills for conducting and evaluating empirical and quantitative research. It covers the most widely used statistics as well as the statistical software (SPSS).

Assessment: Thesis proposal – 2000 words (60%), Oral presentation (20 minutes) – [40%]

11. Masterthesis

The module is framed in terms of a dissertation. The student undertakes an enquiry into a topic of his or her own choice and, based on this enquiry, develops an extended critical study. The module involves individual supervision designed to support the student’s ambitions and confidence in becoming an independent learner, building on techniques and knowledge developed in previous years, and providing scope for initiative and development. The dissertation demonstrates the student’s ability to thoroughly research a topic, use appropriate methods of investigation, and work methodically and productively.

The subject matter of the dissertation can be practical, theoretical, technical, or historical, should be closely related to the student’s main field of study and be complimentary to their practice. In case the Student creates a practical work, it should be brought into academic scientific context which is further elaborated in the written assessment. The dissertation may be professionally oriented and include field-work or it might be academic and theoretical in its source material and methodology. Its form and approach can reflect a broad range of discipline-specific approaches based on discussion and agreement with the supervisor and/or course leader.

Students may develop their topic independently or, as an option, within a specific dissertation Interest or Subject Group.

Assessment: Research Paper (100%) – Research on relevant organisational projects and cases/9000 to 12000 words report is required


Target group and personal requirements

The Master in Business Administration is aimed students who already have a certain degree of experience in management (both at junior and at senior levels) and want to further a career in an area of Business Administration through various specialisations offered in this programme. This study programme is also aimed at (prospective) executives who bring their first management experience (for example for teams or projects). Since the coursework is closely based on professional practice and entrepreneurial activities, you should be working. Alternatively, you can also use the program if you are seeking self-employment or if you are in a vocational orientation and further training phase with an internship If you want to become a business manager, this is the right programme for you.

A certain amount of time can pass between the Bachelor and the Master. Despite changing circumstances, you can continue studying at the Triagon. We have considered many things; however, TRIAGON has set itself the goal of enabling as many people as possible to study. Our flexible study model offers many opportunities for different life situations:

Other helpful features would be:

  • Business knowledge
  • Identification with responsible activities (esp. Personnel management and management)
  • Good self and time management for the phases of your self-study
  • Openness and willingness to learn through self-reflection, analysis, feedback, supervision

Career in Management

Where do Managers work?

Graduates of the degree program work in all sectors, from small private companies to internationally operating corporate groups in responsible positions
Possible fields of employment are industrial and commercial enterprises, banking and finance, insurance, construction and real estate, internet, media, IT companies, event management, tourism; as well as in the field of management consulting, services, non-profit organizations and associations.

What tasks do Managers take on?

The areas of responsibility of a graduate are highly dependent on the size of the company and the company structure in addition to the professional experience and personal suitability. In general, the smaller the company, the faster you can qualify for management, top management and executive positions.
Managers are active in all areas and departments of the company. They are responsible for personnel teams and organizational units.
The tasks are numerous, the core is:

  • Planning the company goals and positioning the company
  • Human resources and personnel management
  • Control of the business organization and the added value process
  • Strategy development (e.g., corporate strategy, brand strategy)
  • Execution of economic (analysis) methods (for example industry analysis, competitive analysis, portfolio analysis, financing and investment calculations)

What are the future opportunities of Managers?

The chances for the future are very good as you can work as a graduate in all sectors and in different professional fields. You are qualified for all tasks of corporate management, corporate planning and development, which allows you a wide range of tasks.

You can currently find particularly good entry opportunities in the financial, trade, pharmaceutical and chemical sectors and in the professional fields of purchasing, marketing, human resources or IT.

What do Managers earn?

Your salary after the master depends i.e. from the industry, the size of the company and the form of the employer. Other decisive factors are your previous (leadership) experience and not least the region in which you want to gain a foothold in your career.

Your starting salary may differ significantly from that of a Bachelor graduate. After completing your Masters, it will probably be on a scale of € 36,000 to € 50,000, with your salary opportunities increasing with increasing responsibility, especially in the next four to five years can rise rapidly.

Entry requirements

Applicants must satisfy the General Entry Requirements for admission:

  • Bachelor Degree (at least second class honours) from Triagon or any other recognised institution and at least two years of work experience in a managerial or executive position* or
  • Equivalent Professional Qualifications from a recognized institution, plus a Minimum Two Years Corporate Experience or
  • aged twenty-six years or over and be in possession of a higher diploma or a diploma from a university comprising not less than 90 ECTS credits in a related area with at least a Merit classification, or equivalent qualifications. Such applicants will be required to demonstrate through an interview that they are able to follow the Course with profit.**
  • Students must produce evidence of language proficiency at a C2 level referred to CEFR in the language of instruction. language proficiency must be demonstrated through an independent testing agency, such as IELTS.

*Applicants with non-business degree may be required to take additional preparatory courses.
** These applicants may also be required to successfully complete a Preparatory Programme consisting of study-units od up to 30 credits prior to their registration as regular students on the course – this will depend on the outcome of the interview

Fees and Tuition:

The total costs amount to Euros 9,990 (conditional introductory price).

The costs are as follows:

Advance Payment: Euros 500
Monthly tuition fees: Euros 495 at a total price of Euros 8,910 in 18 instalments
Application fee: Euros 290
Examination fee: Euros 290
We can also offer you flexible payment models, even beyond the duration of your studies. You can pay the fees annually, per semester or monthly (18 instalments or more).

This MBA is also registered with the Get Qualified scheme so students who successfully complete the programme will be eligible for 70% in tax rebate.