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MBA International Management – your chance to become an International Business Manager!

Degree: Master of Business Administration – International Management

Applications open for summer 2024

  • 1.5 years study duration
  • Flexible alongside your job
  • Access without prior knowledge of business administration
  • Career development
  • Enables doctoral studies
  • Individual focus selectable
  • Best price-performance ratio

Do you work in an international company or would like to make an international career in the future? Are you interested in different cultures and international markets? Then the MBA – International Management program is the right choice for you!

The program is aimed at experienced professionals with a first university degree from various disciplines. The focus on the management and leadership of international companies enables you to develop relevant skills for the challenges and opportunities of the globalized business world. An internationally designed and recognized MBA program not only teaches technical skills, but also prepares you specifically for management positions in multinational companies.

Since our study programs are designed within an innovative virtual face-to-face learning system, you can complete the International Management MBA alongside your job and put the skills you have acquired directly into practice.

Are you interested in the MBA – International Management? Then inform yourself on this page about the study content, career opportunities, admission requirements and much more. Please feel free to request information material about the MBA and let us know if you have any questions.

Overview of the Programme

Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA) – International Management
Duration: 3 semesters (1.5 years)
European Credit Transfer (ECTS): 90 ECTS points
Study Model: Full-time – can be combined with professional activity / dual study

Online studies with e-learning and virtual live webinars via our learning platform

Schwerpunkte: International Management
Service Study Centres Locations: Ismaning (near Munich), Berlin, Unna (near Dortmund), Vienna, Hamburg, Mannheim, Frankfurt am Main
Accreditation: Accredited by the MFHEA
Tuition: € 9,990 (total; flexible payment models possible)
Further Study: Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


What can I expect in the MBA International Management?

The Master of Business Administration is a generalist management education with emphases for individual specialization. However, an MBA is more than just imparting professional know-how. In addition to professional competencies in areas such as strategy, marketing, finance or human resources, you can expect to develop your soft skills in particular. Furthermore, you will gain a deep understanding of markets, management processes and leadership tasks as well as a strategic view of your company’s environment.

In practical case studies, you will build up leadership skills through expert feedback and coaching to take on responsible management activity in the business world.

The aim of the program is to provide you with the action and decision-making skills you need for a successful career in a globalized and digitalized working world.

You can find more information about the course content under „Content & Design“.

Expert Opinion

„Our study concepts are geared to the special requirements of working practitioners and managers. Students’ personal development is promoted through the application of theoretical knowledge and methods in their own professional practice. This is complemented by elements of modern management development such as the use of selected learning and reflection techniques. Studying at the School of Management & Law stands for managerial education at an internationally high level.“
  Amadeus Werner, B.A., M.Ed. internationales Management und Bildungsmanagement
Leiter der School Management & Law

Expert Opinion

„Our study concepts are geared to the special requirements of working practitioners and managers. Students’ personal development is promoted through the application of theoretical knowledge and methods in their own professional practice. This is complemented by elements of modern management development such as the use of selected learning and reflection techniques. Studying at the School of Management & Law stands for managerial education at an internationally high level.“
Amadeus Werner, B.A., M.Ed. internationales Management und Bildungsmanagement
Leiter der School Management & Law

Recognition and Accreditation of the Study Programme

Triagon is a Higher Education Institution with international accreditation. Our institution meets the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).

This has been confirmed by the distinguished German accreditation agency ACQUIN, which is a full member of EQAR. The programme accreditation and the institutional accreditation were granted in full and without any conditions.

In addition, all degree programmes are accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), at levels 6 (Bachelor), 7 (Master) and 8 (Doctorate) of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) and the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) respectively.

All Triagon degrees are internationally recognised and strictly adhere to the standards and requirements for higher education laid out in the Bologna Process. All study programmes offered by Triagon enable students to pursue further studies (e.g. a Master's degree or a doctorate) on an international level.

Flexible mix of online synchronous and asynchronous learning

Our innovative Virtual Learning Concept: Just as flexible as You are!
This awaits you:

  • Online learning platform for self-study
  • Virtual live attendance periods on weekends
  • Expert workshops
  • Learning based on case studies
  • Individual project work

Our innovative study model is based on online synchronous and asynchronous learning and thus combines the advantages of virtual live face-to-face study with the flexibility of distance learning. We combine didactically and multimedia-prepared study materials for self-study with individual, effective face-to-face seminars.

Master of Business Administration Studienmodell

The Triagon study concept considers the special requirements of modern management development. A large part of the practice-oriented study achievements is aimed at the application of theoretical knowledge and methods in your professional practice. Your personal development is stimulated by the targeted use of learning and reflection techniques, the exchange with your fellow students and the individual tutorial support with supervision and study coaching.

Virtual classrooms are offered for all modules via the learning platform. 

You can arrange individual appointments with your tutors for the supervision of your project work or personal coaching at any time.

The study program is flexible and brings you immediate added value for your professional activity. However, whether you work during your studies is up to you and is not relevant for your enrollment.

Do you have any questions? Then contact our student advisory service – we will be happy to advise you!

Content & Design

The curriculum covers the most important aspects of strategic and operational management as well as your focus on the specifics of international management. In addition to technical competencies, the focus is on methodological skills and soft skills such as the development of your leadership qualities, entrepreneurial thinking and communication skills.

epending on your talents and interests, you choose your individual focus during your studies and thereby sharpen your profile. The MBA program is directly aligned with the requirements of the business world and closely linked to practice. All modules are taught in English.

This full qualification is only one of the various specialisations which are on offer as part of the core programme Master of Business Administration (MBA).

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Your modules in the Master of Business Administration

0. Overall Course Objectives


By the end of this course, students are expected to demonstrate advanced knowledge in the field of Business Administration involving a critical understanding of the theories and principles underpinning the course.
By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Systematically employ specialised or multi-disciplinary theoretical and practical approaches some of which at the forefront of a Business Management.
  • Critically evaluate a wide range of theories and conceptual frameworks from the major disciplines relevant to Business Administration;
  • comprehensively identify and subsequently obtain knowledge and understanding that is founded upon and extends and/or enhances the knowledge on existing management experience
  • Comprehensively recognise how management procedures and processes allow for effective decision-making against different objectives;
  • Autonomously assess the impact of the external environment (national and international) in the context of Business Administration, including economic, ethical, legal, political, sociological and technological influences;
  • Critically analyse of contemporary business management issues and formulate solutions to identified problems in a clear and coherent research plan.


Students are expected to acquire advanced skills demonstrating mastery required to solve complex and unpredictable problems in the field of business management
By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Systematically communicate to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously work or study related conclusions which may be the outcome of research, self-study or experience.
  • Deploy originality when implementing the notion of specialised Business Management knowledge as well as multi-disciplinary approaches to Business Management that include reflecting on social and ethical responisbilities linked to the application of ones knowledge and judgements.
  • Comprehensively perform critical evaluations and analyses with incomplete or limited information to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments, and to produce original research
  • Propose new hyposthesis and implement new skills in response to emerging knowledge and techniques and demonstrate leadership skills in complex and unpredictable work and study contexts
  • critically evaluate and apply knowledge to comment on and evaluate real business world scenarios;
  • gain real world business experience and apply developed skills for the purpose of future career planning.


By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Autonomously create a research-based diagnosis to problems by integrating knowledge from new or interdisciplinary fields and makes judgements with incomplete or limited information
  • take full responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable work or study contexts;
  • have the necessary skills set to allow continuation to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous
  • Autonomously managing professional development of individuals and groups.
  • manage people and projects and demonstrates the ability to respond to the fast changing business environment
  • demonstrate autonomy in the direction of learning and a high level of understanding of learning processes


1. Management of Organisations

This module provides learners with an in depth understanding of how organizations are efficiently and effectively designed and structured in a particular situation. The content examines various forms of organizational structures and procedures and how functions and roles are defined in the appropriate organizational context. The module also deals with all major forms of organizations. The links between organizational design, corporate strategy and management tasks are also addressed.

Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) –2500 – 3000 words

2. Marketing Management

Marketing is the core of an operating business. It is an organizational philosophy and a set of guiding principles for interfacing with customers, competitors, collaborators, and the environment. Marketing entails planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services. It starts with identifying and measuring consumers’ needs and wants, assessing the competitive environment, selecting the most appropriate customer targets and developing marketing strategy and implementation program for an offering that satisfies consumers’ needs better than the competition.

This course is looking into marketing management concepts as well as enhancing participants understanding of the strategies and vehicles involved in implementing an effective marketing plan..

Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

3. Accounting and Finance

This module is uniquely designed to offer students a high-level academic understanding of contemporary developments in financing policy and practice, together with accounting, in an international global context. Students will gain in-depth understanding of the concepts and practice of accounting, business entities, and the financial accounting cycle; construction and interpretation of the financial statements as a communications link between business firms and their stakeholders.

Assessment: Case study assignment [40%], Oral examination – 1 hours [60%]

4. Strategic Corporate Management

Strategic corporate management refers to the art of planning your business at the highest possible level. It focuses on building a solid underlying structure to your business that will subsequently be fleshed out through the combined efforts of every individual you employ.

This course considers the key concepts, tools, and principles of strategy formulation and competitive analysis. It takes a look at the managerial decisions and actions that affect the performance and survival of business enterprises. The course is focused on the information, analyses, organizational processes, and skills and business judgment managers must use to devise strategies, position their businesses, define firm boundaries and maximize long-term profits in the face of uncertainty and competition.

Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

5. Human Resources Management

This course also focuses on the crucial role of effective human resource management in achieving organizational success. It emphasizes the ways human resource management can provide a competitive edge for an organization and be the cornerstone of its corporate strategy.When handled, professionally human resource management helps the organisation to operate cost-effectively in the industries in which it competes and legitimately in the societies in which it is embedded. The course considers the potential of human resource management to enhance organizational flexibility and help create competitive advantage.

Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

6. Project

The students will complete the industry project in a workplace setting and choose a project that involves applied research or knowledge transfer. The project will be innovative, experimental, or exploratory in nature. Activities can range from directed study projects to the preparation of a proposal, project plan and the development of formal deliverables – including a final report demonstrating the practical application of knowledge and skills in a selected economic sector.

Assessment: Case Study report – 3000 – 3500 words [60%], Presentation of case study followed by Q&A – 20 minutes [40%]

7. International Politics and Law

The course will serve as a general introduction to international politics and law. The aim of the course is to provide students with a solid understanding of the ‘working assumptions’ behind international law and how these perform against the backdrop of real-life international politics. It will address five issues: the evolving of the international political order into international organizations; the central features and principles of international law and how these set it apart from municipal law; the subjects of international law; the sources of international law (treaties, customs and general principles); and implementation of international obligations and state responsibility in public international law.

Assessment: Case study assignment [40%], Oral examination – 1 hours [60%]

8. International Business Relation

Globalization and the increasing ethnic and cultural diversity in the workplace require culturally-aware managers in both domestic and international markets. This course focuses on cross-cultural skills which may be utilized to improve business relations within an international context. Further the course is designed to meet the private and public sector managers with experience in international trade.

Assessment: Forum Discussion (10%); Presentation 15 Mins (30%), Project Paper (60%) 2500 – 3000 words

9. Intercultural Competence and Communication

The understanding of the concept of intercultural competence as part of the communicative language competence is essential. The overall goal of this course is to equip students with the tools, which will enable them to gain greater awareness of their own cultural values and/or intercultural issues, to develop a “working knowledge” of the “target culture” and to develop an understanding of the process of communicating across cultural boundaries.
This course will review integral components, means and elements of intercultural competence that results in improved achievements and assist each students in becoming effective in their work and communications.
The concept of intercultural competence will be studies in the context of culture and in the context of specific situations. As a consequent, the course is also designed to study values, beliefs and behaviours that create the concept of culture and means of verbal and non-verbal communication addressing students’ needs, interests and diversity.

Assessment: Group Assignment (100%)

10. Applied Research Methods

Research allow scholars to make sense of the world, to discover why people think and act like they do and how important institutions act. The purpose of this module is to provide you with a broad introduction to the methodological foundations and tools of research.

Most of the module will focus on the fundamentals of quantitative social science and applied research as well as explore qualitative research. You will learn how to identify problems to study, develop hypotheses and research questions, specify independent and dependent variables, check for the validity and reliability of studies and design research projects. The course focuses on practical skills for conducting and evaluating empirical and quantitative research. It covers the most widely used statistics as well as the statistical software (SPSS).

Assessment: Thesis proposal – 2000 words (60%), Oral presentation (20 minutes) – [40%]

11. Masterthesis

The module is framed in terms of a dissertation. The student undertakes an enquiry into a topic of his or her own choice and, based on this enquiry, develops an extended critical study. The module involves individual supervision designed to support the student’s ambitions and confidence in becoming an independent learner, building on techniques and knowledge developed in previous years, and providing scope for initiative and development. The dissertation demonstrates the student’s ability to thoroughly research a topic, use appropriate methods of investigation, and work methodically and productively.

The subject matter of the dissertation can be practical, theoretical, technical, or historical, should be closely related to the student’s main field of study and be complimentary to their practice. In case the Student creates a practical work, it should be brought into academic scientific context which is further elaborated in the written assessment. The dissertation may be professionally oriented and include field-work or it might be academic and theoretical in its source material and methodology. Its form and approach can reflect a broad range of discipline-specific approaches based on discussion and agreement with the supervisor and/or course leader.

Students may develop their topic independently or, as an option, within a specific dissertation Interest or Subject Group.

Assessment: Research Paper (100%) – Research on relevant organisational projects and cases/9000 to 12000 words report is required

Target group and personal requirements

The MBA is aimed at experienced professionals who want to take on challenging management tasks and leadership responsibilities in dynamic environments. In principle, the MBA program is open to all graduates from both non-business and business disciplines. An interest in the field of industrial and organizational psychology, the potential of digitalization, and management challenges are good prerequisites for the MBA – Business Psychology.

Qualities helpful for the study are:

  • Identification with responsible activities (leadership tasks, problem identification and decision making)
  • Good self- and time management for the phases of your self-study
  • Openness and willingness to learn through self-reflection, analysis, feedback, supervision
  • Good knowledge of English for a globalized working environment

It can take some time between your bachelor’s degree and your master’s degree. Despite changes in your life circumstances, you can continue your studies at Triagon. We have taken many things into consideration:

Entry requirements

Applicants must satisfy the General Entry Requirements for admission:

  • Bachelor Degree (at least second class honours) from Triagon or any other recognised institution and at least two years of work experience in a managerial or executive position or
  • Equivalent Professional Qualifications from a recognized institution, plus a Minimum Two Years Corporate Experience or
  • aged twenty-six years or over and be in possession of a higher diploma or a diploma from a university comprising not less than 90 ECTS credits in a related area with at least a Merit classification, or equivalent qualifications. Such applicants will be required to demonstrate through an interview that they are able to follow the Course with profit.
  • Students must produce evidence of language proficiency at a C2 level referred to CEFR in the language of instruction. language proficiency must be demonstrated through an independent testing agency, such as IELTS.


Job description International Manager (MBA)


Where do International Managers (MBA) work?

With an MBA and the skills you have acquired, you are perfectly prepared for management tasks and leadership positions. The focus on international management enables you to take on tasks in international companies and teams or to bear responsibility for expansion into international markets.

You will find career opportunities wherever competent managers are needed. Whether as a department head, product manager or in management. Depending on your experience and expertise, many doors are open to you. In Germany or internationally.

What are the responsibilities of an international manager (MBA)?

The areas of responsibility vary depending on the size of the company, the hierarchical level and the management span. Your previous work and experience also play an important role. Basically, with an MBA you can work in the following positions and take on diverse, responsible and strategic tasks in an international environment:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Human resources manager
  • Product manager
  • Management consultant (strategy development)
  • Head of Controlling
  • Production Manager
  • Sales Manager


What are the future opportunities for graduates of the MBA – International Management?

Thanks to the generalist management training, you can be flexibly deployed in different areas. The HR trend study by the management consultancy Kienbaum has shown an increasing need for recruiting managers since 2015.

A survey by the online portal Statista shows just how much demand there is for an MBA degree, with the MBA being named as one of the most attractive further education goals among working professionals in Germany in 2017.

In any case, your everyday life won’t be boring. You will be qualified for all tasks of corporate management, corporate planning and development and will have to deal with exciting personalities and challenges every day.

What do MBA – International Management graduates earn?

The salary prospects for MBA graduates depend on many factors. For example, it depends on the industry and country in which you work or will work later. Your future earnings also depend on how much professional experience you have, whether you have personnel responsibility and at what level of the hierarchy you operate.

The size of the company also plays a decisive role in salary structures. It is also important to say that the title does not automatically lead to a higher salary. It is the competences you have acquired that you can use profitably to take on more responsible tasks. As the importance of the field of responsibility grows, so does your salary.

Fees and Tuition:

The total costs amount to Euros 9,990 (conditional introductory price).
The costs are as follows:
Advance Payment: Euros 500
Monthly tuition fees: Euros 495 at a total price of Euros 8,910 in 18 instalments
Application fee: Euros 290
Examination fee: Euros 290
We can also offer you flexible payment models, even beyond the duration of your studies. You can pay the fees annually, per semester or monthly (18 instalments or more).
This MBA is also registered with the Get Qualified scheme so students who successfully complete the programme will be eligible for 70% in tax rebate.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the MBA

How large are the student groups?
Student groups are kept small and are usually under 30 students.

What kind of exams are required?
As a rule, the focus is on practical work (project, case study, etc.) with a written paper. Typical exams are presentation, documentation (e.g. learning portfolio), report, term paper or thesis. Since you are working part-time, we make sure that you can establish a connection to your professional practice and that the required number of pages is feasible.

Does a Master’s degree entitle me to begin a doctorate?
Yes, after successfully completing your Master of Business Administration degree, you can go on to study for a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).