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Master Sport & Exercise Science – in 1.5 years to the master’s degree!

Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Sport & Exercise Science –
with 3 concentrations listed in the title:
1) Sport Psychology 2) Strength & Conditioning 3) Advanced Fitness Studies

Applications open for summer 2024

  • Master in just 1.5 years
  • Ideal for professionals
  • Internationally recognized degree
  • Career Advancement and higher Salary
  • With interactive attendance seminars
  • Reputable lectures from the industry
  • Practical Expert Knowledge
  • Fair price

You have a bachelor’s degree in sports and/or health? You work in the sports or health sector and you want to develop your skills in the field of sports science to become even more effective in your job? Then Triagon Academy and the “Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Sport & Exercise Science” is the right place and program for you.

Since the field of sports science is diversified, you have the opportunity to choose one of three specializations and sharpen your profile. This allows you to deepen as well as broaden your skills in the field of sports science. Our innovative part-time format is ideal for learning the practical and scientific topics in the areas “Sport Psychology”, “Strength & Conditioning” or “Advanced Fitness Studies” specializations in 18 months – enabling you to serve your clients, patients and athletes even better.

Overview of the M.Sc. in Sport & Exercise Science

Degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Sport & Exercise Science
Duration of study 1,5 Year Full-Time
European Credit Transfer 90 ECTS points
Study model Full-Time
Study Concept

Web-enhanced learning format:

  • Study online via e-learning or our webinars on our learning platform
  • Practical-oriented attendance periods usually on weekends
Focus areas Sport Psychology, Strength & Conditioning, Advanced Fitness Studies
Campus Locations Germany: Ismaning  (near Munich), Berlin, Unna (near Cologne)
Switzerland: Berne
Austria: Vienna
Quality Seal Internationally accredited by the MFHEA (Malta Further and Higher Education Authority)
Costs 9.490 € (total; flexible payments models possible)
Follow-up programs Doctorate in the field of sports science

Sport & Exercise Science: What is it about?

In sports science, the person is viewed as a whole and accordingly supported in his or her individual goals through training and counseling. On the one hand, this can be performance enhancement and optimization, and on the other hand, health promotion, maintenance and/or restoration. By studying at the Triagon Academy you will get the right tools to successfully support competitive athletes in their career, to support people in their goal of weight reduction and muscle build-up through training as well as a targeted nutrition program or to accompany them on their way back into sports after an injury.

Within the framework of the “Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Sport & Exercise Science”, sport- and health-related aspects are intensified, and knowledge is transferred into action competence. As in all other disciplines, a master’s degree improves professional prospects compared to a bachelor’s level degree.

Recognition and Accreditation of the Study Programme

Triagon is a Higher Education Institution with international accreditation. Our institution meets the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).

This has been confirmed by the distinguished German accreditation agency ACQUIN, which is a full member of EQAR. The institutional accreditation were granted in full and without conditions.

All degree programmes are accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), at levels 6 (Bachelor), 7 (Master) and 8 (Doctorate) of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) and the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) respectively.

All Triagon degrees are internationally recognised and strictly adhere to the standards and requirements for higher education laid out in the Bologna Process. All study programmes offered by Triagon enable students to pursue further studies (e.g. a Master's degree or a doctorate) on an international level.

A flexible mix of online and attendance seminars!

Our innovative Blended Learning Concept in one sentence: Just as flexible as you are!

This awaits you:

  • Online learning platform for your self-study
  • Attendance periods on weekends
  • Expert workshops
  • Learning based on case studies
  • Individual project work

Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact our student advisors – they will gladly answer any questions you may have!

You can easily complete your studies next to your job. However, whether you prefer to work or not is completely up to you and not relevant for your enrolment.

Our flexible time and place-independent study model focuses on blended learning and combines high-quality didactic and multimedia-based study materials for self-study with just a few face-to-face seminars.

The compact study concept takes into account the special requirements of modern sports professionals. A large part of the practical study achievements aims to apply theoretical knowledge and methods in Your professional practice. Your personal development is stimulated by the targeted use of learning and reflection techniques, the exchange with Your fellow students in virtual meetings and individual tutorial mentoring with supervision and study coaching.
All modules offer virtual classrooms and webinars via the learning platform. In the attendance seminars, key competences are trained through workshops, group work, case studies and other interactive teaching methods.

You can make use of appointments with your tutors for the support of your project work or a personal coaching at any time.

As you can see: You can ideally combine your studies in terms of time and content with your profession!

Course of study and study content in Master Sport & Exercise Science

The “Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Sport & Exercise Science” focuses on the scientific advancements and complements these with applied methods, primarily focusing on consulting and coaching approaches as well as training theory in the areas of competitive and popular sports. The master’s program builds on the previous knowledge from your first degree (at least a bachelor’s degree) and expands the necessary skills in the field of sports science.

During the 18 months you will go through 9 modules one after the other and finally you will write a master thesis. Each module has a duration of 4-8 weeks. The module of your thesis extends over a period of 4 months.

This program has a different specialisation, depending on what area you wish to advance/specialise in.

Your Modules in the degree course Sport & Exercise Science:

0. Overall Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students are expected to demonstrate advanced knowledge in the field of Sport & Exercise Science involving a critical understanding of the theories and principles underpinning the course. Knowledge gained will entail:

  • Evaluation of a wide range of theories and conceptual frameworks from the major disciplines relevant to sport & exercise science;
  • Analysis general sport & exercise science related areas of study as well as the more specialised and contemporary issues including coaching, leadership, innovation, ethics, diversity and globalisation;
  • Explanation of how human bodies adapt to stress and applying the knowledge to train humans for different goals;
  • Assessing the impact of the external environment (national and international) in the context of sport & exercise science, including economic, ethical, legal, political, sociological and technological influences;
  • Analysis of contemporary sport & exercise science issues and formulate solutions to identified problems in a clear and coherent research plan.

Students are expected to acquire advanced skills demonstrating mastery and innovation required to solve complex and unpredictable problems in the field of sport science. Skills acquisition include:

  • Produce and analyse appropriate information from a variety of sources.  Specifically, to use IT to access sources of information and to work with discipline based software programmes;
  • Conduct sport scientific analysis using a variety of theoretical tools;
  • Search, handle and interpret relevant information in the analysis of the movement and performance of humans;
  • Communicate complex ideas and analysis through written and oral expositions;
  • Design, plan organise and deliver an individual research project and demonstrate knowledge of appropriate sport & exercise science research methodology;
  • Critically apply knowledge to comment on and evaluate real world sport-related scenarios;
  • Gain real world sport experience and apply developed skills for the purpose of future career planning.
  • Communicate ideas, principles, theories and information effectively by oral, written and visual means;
  • Develop personal skills including skills in study, problem-solving, working with others, independent learning, self-awareness, self-management, self-presentation and decision-making;
  • Interpret and critically analyse sport & exercise science problems in order to produce solutions which demonstrate an evaluation of the impact of ethical issues and cultural diversity;
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of data for alternate purposes and handle complex data with ease;
  • Demonstrate development of personal and professional skills relevant for career and personal development planning.

By the end of the course students will be able to manage complex professional activities or projects, taking responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable work or study contexts; take responsibility for managing professional development of individuals and groups.

1. Challenges & trends in selected fields

Sport and Exercise is rapidly developing every day. In this module the students reflect on current challenges and trends for selected fields dealing with human performance and health related aspects of movement and exercise in sport and rehabilitation.

Assessment: Group Work (60%), Presentation 15 Mins (40%)

2. Advanced Journal Club

Journal clubs are educational meetings where individuals meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in the scientific literature. They have often been cited as a bridge between research and practice, as they encourage the application of research in sport and exercise practice.

The key goal of the advanced journal club is to share texts, review literature and discuss current literature and develop skills for evaluating sport and exercise science literature. The ultimate goal of an advanced journal club is to improve core sport scientific competencies by incorporating research findings into practice, stay up to date and improve critical appraisal of literature.

Assessment: Group Work (100%)

3. Advanced Case Studies from selected Fields

This module will develop a high level of knowledge, decision making and problem-solving skills by using complex cases related to sport & exercise practice. The scenarios from selected fields will present more complex cases than previously covered and will require the student to integrate prior knowledge and experiences with new learnings.

Assessment: Research Paper (60%) 3000 – 3500 words, Presentation 15 Mins (40%)

4. Project

In this course students will experience a project to continue the transition from a student to s professional and to develop their concept of professionalism and their commitment to health and fitness. For this reason, it is expected that students will take responsibility for their personal professional development and act professionally by making meaningful contributions to the class and in the project settings, and by maximizing the benefits that can be gained from the learning experiences provided in this course.

Assessment: Learning portfolio with evidence: The portfolio (5000 words)-75%, Presentation (30 minutes_ including infographics, video clips and/or blogs-25%

5.-7. Specialisation modules

Sport Psychology

1. Sport Psychology for Individuals & Teams
The module addresses sport psychological theories, issues and principles for individuals and teams for increasing performance and enhancing mental-wellbeing.
Assessment: Project Paper (60%) 3000 – 3500 words, Presentation 15 Mins (40%)

2. Diagnostics, Intervention & Evaluation in Sport Psychology
In order to change behaviour in sport psychology, professionals in this area need to conduct diagnostics, implement interventions and evaluate the results.  In this Course students will discuss various methods and tools to diagnose behaviour in individual and team sports, plan and execute interventions as well as perform evaluations adapted for the audience.
Assessment: Research Paper (100%)

3. Effective Coaching Sport Psychology
This module examines the relationship between athlete performance and coaching intervention strategies to ensure enhanced athlete development and skill acquisition. Examine structure and function of practice and feedback strategies to enable a resilient and self-regulated athlete or coach capable of creating podium performance.
Assessment: Project Report (100%) on relevant projects

Strength & Conditioning

1. Strength & Conditioning for Individuals & Teams
The module addresses strength & conditioning theories, issues and principles for individuals and teams for increasing performance and preventing injuries.
Assessment: Project Paper (60%) 3000 – 3500 words, Presentation 15 Mins (40%)

2. Diagnostics, Intervention & Evaluation in Strength & Conditioning
In order to improve and maintain performance, professionals in this area need to conduct diagnostics, implement interventions and evaluate the results.  In this course students will discuss various methods and tools to analyse performance in individual and team sports, plan and execute interventions as well as perform evaluations adapted for the audience.
Assessment: Research Paper (100%)

3. Effective Coaching Strength & Conditioning
This module examines the relationship between athlete performance and coaching intervention strategies to ensure enhanced athlete development and skill acquisition. Examine structure and function of practice and feedback strategies to enable a resilient and self-regulated athlete or coach capable of creating podium performance.
Assessment: Project Report (100%) on relevant projects

Advanced Fitness Studies

1. Fitness Instruction & Leadership
This module focuses on fitness instruction &leadership for coaching and training clients. In deconstructing the process of sports coaching, the module emphasizes philosophical underpinnings and advanced theoretical foundations in the psychological, physiological, pedagogical, and managerial bases of fitness coaching.
Assessment: Research Paper (100%)

2. Advanced Diagnostics, Intervention & Evaluation in Fitness
In order to improve and maintain performance, professionals in fitness need to conduct diagnostics, implement interventions and evaluate the results.  In this course students will discuss various advanced methods and tools to analyse performance, plan and execute interventions as well as perform evaluations adapted for the audience.
Assessment: Project Report (100%)

3. Effective Coaching in Fitness
This module examines the relationship between advanced fitness and coaching intervention strategies to ensure enhanced development and skill acquisition for clients. Examine advanced structure and function of practice and feedback strategies to enable a resilient and self-regulated client capable of creating podium performance.
Assessment: Group Work (60%), Presentation (40%)

8. Action Learning/ Supervised Teaching

The module enables students to undertake an appropriate period of professional action learning/ supervised teaching with a sport business or sport organization and to gain credit for their achievements. The activity can be a professional training, volunteering activity, employment activity, placement, or business start-up activity.

Assessment: Learning portfolio with evidence: The portfolio (3500 words)-75%, Presentation-25%

9. Advanced Research Methods

Research methods enables individuals to appreciate the world we find ourselves in by understanding situations and how they come by. This module has been developed to equip students with advanced practical research skills, develop their quantitative and qualitative analytical skills as well as appreciate the role of theory in our modern world.

The module is also designed to enable students determine how hypothesises are formed and how proper data collection affects the findings of a particular project.

Assessment: Research proposal for the thesis 4000 – 5000 words

10. Dissertation in Sport & Exercise Science

The module is framed in terms of a dissertation. The student undertakes an enquiry into a topic of his or her own choice and, based on this enquiry, develops an extended critical study. The module involves individual supervision designed to support the student’s ambitions and confidence in becoming an independent learner, building on techniques and knowledge developed in previous years, and providing scope for initiative and development. The dissertation demonstrates the student’s ability to thoroughly research a topic, use appropriate methods of investigation, and work methodically and productively.

Assessment: Part draft dissertation (Presentation) 15 min./ dissertation with a minimum of 15,000 words

Target Group and Personal Requirements

The “Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Sport & Exercise Science” program is primarily oriented to people who have successfully completed a first degree in the fields of sport and health sciences and want to expand their competencies in a master’s program. Possible fields of study for the first degree include bachelor’s degree programs in sports science or degree programs related to sports or health. Enthusiasm for sports is an important, helpful prerequisite, but you do not have to demonstrate fitness for sports.

The Triagon Academy offers you a flexible study model that takes many life situations into account. For example:

These qualities are helpful when studying at Triagon:

If you have a different professional qualification or work experience, please contact us – we will advise you individually

Job outline Sport & Exercise Science

Where do sports scientists work?

As a sports scientist, you can work in various fields. This depends on your first degree, your focus and also your previous professional activities. Typical areas and career fields for sports scientists are:

  • Fitness and health facilities
  • Sports clubs and associations
  • Sports journalism (television, radio, newspaper, online portal)
  • Media industry
  • Sports tourism
  • Sporting goods manufacturers, sports equipment manufacturers
  • Sports related research
  • Health care
  • Spa and rehabilitation facilities
  • School and university

The higher your education level, the better your career prospects.

What tasks do sports scientists (Master) take on?

Sports scientists take on a variety of tasks when working with their customers. Regardless of whether they are amateur or professional athletes, by using their know-how, sports scientists always focus on the goals of the respective customer group. Examples of tasks are:

  • Planning, implementation & evaluation of specific training 
  • Diagnostics and anamnesis
  • Development of new training approaches, methods and tools 
  • Creation & evaluation of nutrition plans 
  • Client oriented consulting 
  • Performance optimization & health promotion 
  • Support for the return to sports & everyday life after injuries or illnesses 
  • Support for individuals and groups 

What are the future opportunities for sports scientists (Master)?

The sports market is booming and major sporting events such as World Championships or Olympic Games are crowd pullers. But amateur and professional sports are also more popular than ever. Whether it’s soccer, athletics or swimming – sports associations and sports clubs need well-trained professionals to manage training, rehabilitation and sports science departments. Furthermore sports scientists are also needed in leadership positions in other fields, such as health care, sports tourism, sports medicine, and sports journalism. The higher your educational degree, the better your career prospects.

What do sports scientists (Master) earn?

Your salary depends on numerous factors. For example, whether you work in professional or amateur sports or in the health and social services sector. In addition, your future earnings also depend on how much professional experience you have, whether you have personnel responsibility and at what level of the hierarchy you operate.

Entry Requirements

A Bachelor degree or equivalent (Level 6) in Sports Sscience or a related field which has been awarded from an accredited university.

Students with a general Bachelor degree can be accepted after an individual counselling. All students receive individual supervision that helps them to achieve their study goals. Triagon provides special couseling and advice for underperforming students of how to improve their learning skills.

For those students whom degree was issued from a non-English instruction university, they must produce evidence of English language proficiency at IELTS:6.0 or equivalents with a minimum of 5.5 in each component, i.e. Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing or English B2 referred to CEFR. The students with a low IELTS score will get additional support that also includes a free course in English and additional resources as well as individual tutoring.

Tuition Fees and Financing

The monthly costs (for 18 installments) amount to 495 € (plus registration and examination fees – 290 €). The entire study program has a price of 9,490 €, which is significantly lower than the costs of other private universities.

Tuition fees can be paid monthly or by the semester.

There are numerous ways to finance a course of study. The easiest way to finance your studies is to study while working. Here you work alongside your studies and earn money to finance the tuition fees.